I love my Daddy so much! I am so glad he’s my father, protector, and provider.

God has worked greatly in his life (rebel-turned-reformer), but I only know him as the kind, loving, and hard-working leader he is. He’s always been praying for his family, leading us in studying God’s Word, and made sure we were safe and protected from harm.

When we were little, Emily and I loved to dance with him as he held our hands and we stood on his feet.

In the summer we liked to go swimming at a local reservoir. When I was little, one of my favorite parts was when I got to hold onto his back as he swam. He’d tell me to hold my breath, we’re going under! and I’d squint my eyes, imagining I was riding on the back of a giant sea monster.

He’s even joined us in science projects like dissecting owl pellets and cow eyeballs!

And he’s taught us a great many different things, from walking on stilts and mowing the lawn, to studying God’s Word and praying to our Heavenly Father.

Thank you Daddy for being such a great father! Happy birthday, and may God continue to richly bless you in everything!

.:. .:. .:.