Sweet autumn’s days of sun and extended summer benediction are nearing to a close…
Elephant sketches! Can’t say a lot about the current book project just yet, but it does require watching videos of baby elephants. Tough job. Some animals are more challenging than others, and somehow elephants are one of those! The leg joints are especially tricky, but studying their bone structure has been a big help.
Another work in progress: A prototype for a new planner – in an old Moleskine!
For a few years I’ve tested out Moleskine daily planners, my little black notebook, and this year I’ve been using NeuYear‘s Dominator (which are all worth-while tools). But the the Dominator’s daily columns ended up being too narrow for my style, and while I just loved Moleskine’s thin paper, I missed the monthly calendars. So, I’m back to a plain notebook, but this time in a larger size with extra writing space whenever I need it. Drawing my own calendars still holds it’s irresistible charm over me as it did the previous two years, so here’s to a new venture!
I love learning about others’ planning tools and work flow. Systems, y’all. It’s an INFJ thing.
And speaking of systems, I’m currently inspired by illustrator Christopher Denise’s work process:
Read his interview on All Creativelike
And on his blog he shares about his latest book’s development. I’ve ordered my own copy and can’t wait to soak up every illustration.
Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill’s new podcast! (Great for single ladies as well as mothers!!)
What work inspiration have you been enjoying lately?
5 thoughts on “A fall afternoon in the studio”